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Convert a HMDP model stored in binary format to a hmp (XML) file. The function simply parse the binary files and create hmp files using the hmpMDPWriter().


  prefix = "",
  binNames = c("stateIdx.bin", "stateIdxLbl.bin", "actionIdx.bin", "actionIdxLbl.bin",
    "actionWeight.bin", "actionWeightLbl.bin", "transProb.bin"),
  out = paste0(prefix, "converted.hmp"),
  duration = 1,
  getLog = TRUE



A character string with the prefix which will be added to the binary files.


A character vector of length 7 giving the names of the binary files storing the model.


The name of the HMP file (e.g. r.hmp).


Weight number storing the duration (NULL if none).


Output log text.


NULL (invisible).


Note all indexes are starting from zero (C/C++ style).

See also



## Set working dir
fDir <- system.file("models", package = "MDP2")
wd <- setwd(tempdir())
## Convert the machine example to a hmp file
prefix1 <- paste0(fDir,"/machine1_")
#> # A tibble: 14 × 3
#>      sId stageStr label      
#>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>      
#>  1     0 0,0      Dummy      
#>  2     1 1,0      good       
#>  3     2 1,1      average    
#>  4     3 2,0      good       
#>  5     4 2,1      average    
#>  6     5 2,2      not working
#>  7     6 3,0      good       
#>  8     7 3,1      average    
#>  9     8 3,2      not working
#> 10     9 3,3      replaced   
#> 11    10 4,0      good       
#> 12    11 4,1      average    
#> 13    12 4,2      not working
#> 14    13 4,3      replaced   
convertBinary2HMP(prefix1, duration = NULL, out = "machine1_converted.hmp")
#> Model saved to file: machine1_converted.hmp 
#> Converted binary files to hmp format.
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.025   0.000   0.025 
# have a look at the hmp file
#> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
#> <mlhmp l="HMP file created by converting binary files" b="0.1" dsl="1" precision="1e-05" version="1.1">
#>   <i>0.1</i>
#>   <quantities l="Net reward"/>
#>   <sources>0 1</sources>
#>   <proc>
#>     <g>
#>       <s l="Dummy">
#>         <a l="buy">
#>           <q>-100</q>
#>           <p t="s">0 0.7 1 0.3</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>     </g>
#>     <g>
#>       <s l="good">
#>         <a l="mt">
#>           <q>55</q>
#>           <p t="d">0</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>         <a l="nmt">
#>           <q>70</q>
#>           <p t="s">0 0.6 1 0.4</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>       <s l="average">
#>         <a l="mt">
#>           <q>40</q>
#>           <p t="d">0</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>         <a l="nmt">
#>           <q>50</q>
#>           <p t="s">1 0.6 2 0.4</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>     </g>
#>     <g>
#>       <s l="good">
#>         <a l="mt">
#>           <q>55</q>
#>           <p t="d">0</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>         <a l="nmt">
#>           <q>70</q>
#>           <p t="s">0 0.5 1 0.5</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>       <s l="average">
#>         <a l="mt">
#>           <q>40</q>
#>           <p t="d">0</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>         <a l="nmt">
#>           <q>50</q>
#>           <p t="s">1 0.5 2 0.5</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>       <s l="not working">
#>         <a l="mt">
#>           <q>30</q>
#>           <p t="d">0</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>         <a l="rep">
#>           <q>5</q>
#>           <p t="d">3</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>     </g>
#>     <g>
#>       <s l="good">
#>         <a l="mt">
#>           <q>55</q>
#>           <p t="d">0</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>         <a l="nmt">
#>           <q>70</q>
#>           <p t="s">0 0.2 1 0.8</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>       <s l="average">
#>         <a l="mt">
#>           <q>40</q>
#>           <p t="d">0</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>         <a l="nmt">
#>           <q>50</q>
#>           <p t="s">1 0.2 2 0.8</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>       <s l="not working">
#>         <a l="mt">
#>           <q>30</q>
#>           <p t="d">0</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>         <a l="rep">
#>           <q>5</q>
#>           <p t="d">3</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>       <s l="replaced">
#>         <a l="Dummy">
#>           <q>0</q>
#>           <p t="d">3</p>
#>           <d>1</d>
#>         </a>
#>       </s>
#>     </g>
#>     <g>
#>       <s l="good"/>
#>       <s l="average"/>
#>       <s l="not working"/>
#>       <s l="replaced"/>
#>     </g>
#>   </proc>
#> </mlhmp>

## Convert the machine example hmp file to binary files
convertHMP2Binary(file = paste0(fDir,"/machine1.hmp"), prefix = "machine_cov_")
#>   Statistics:
#>     states : 14 
#>     actions: 18 
#>     weights: 1 
#>   Closing binary MDP writer.
#> Converted /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/MDP2/models/machine1.hmp to binary format.
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.017   0.000   0.017 
getBinInfoStates(prefix = "machine_cov_")
#> # A tibble: 14 × 3
#>      sId stageStr label      
#>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>      
#>  1     0 0,0      Dummy      
#>  2     1 1,0      good       
#>  3     2 1,1      average    
#>  4     3 2,0      good       
#>  5     4 2,1      average    
#>  6     5 2,2      not working
#>  7     6 3,0      good       
#>  8     7 3,1      average    
#>  9     8 3,2      not working
#> 10     9 3,3      replaced   
#> 11    10 4,0      good       
#> 12    11 4,1      average    
#> 13    12 4,2      not working
#> 14    13 4,3      replaced   
## Convert the machine example with a single dummy node to a hmp file
#convertBinary2HMP("machine2_")  # error since using scope = 3 not supported in hmp files

## Reset working dir