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The MDP2 package in R is a package for solving Markov decision processes (MDPs) with discrete time-steps, states and actions. Both traditional MDPs (Puterman 1994), semi-Markov decision processes (semi-MDPs) (Tijms 2003) and hierarchical-MDPs (HMDPs) (Kristensen and Jørgensen 2000) can be solved under a finite and infinite time-horizon.

The package implement well-known algorithms such as policy iteration and value iteration under different criteria e.g. average reward per time unit and expected total discounted reward. The model is stored using an underlying data structure based on the state-expanded directed hypergraph of the MDP (Nielsen and Kristensen (2006)) implemented in C++ for fast running times.

Building and solving an MDP is done in two steps. First, the MDP is built and saved in a set of binary files. Next, you load the MDP into memory from the binary files and apply various algorithms to the model.

For building the MDP models see vignette("building"). In this vignette we focus on the second step, i.e. finding the optimal policy. Here we consider a finite-horizon semi-MDP.

A finite-horizon semi-MDP

A finite-horizon semi-MDP considers a sequential decision problem over \(N\) stages. Let \(I_{n}\) denote the finite set of system states at stage \(n\). When state \(i \in I_{n}\) is observed, an action \(a\) from the finite set of allowable actions \(A_n(i)\) must be chosen, and this decision generates reward \(r_{n}(i,a)\). Moreover, let \(\tau_n(i,a)\) denote the stage length of action \(a\), i.e. the expected time until the next decision epoch (stage \(n+1\)) given action \(a\) and state \(i\). Finally, let \(p_{ij}(a,n)\) denote the transition probability of obtaining state \(j\in I_{n+1}\) at stage \(n+1\) given that action \(a\) is chosen in state \(i\) at stage \(n\).


Consider a small machine repair problem used as an example in Nielsen and Kristensen (2006) where the machine is always replaced after 4 years. The state of the machine may be: good, average, and not working. Given the machine’s state we may maintain the machine. In this case the machine’s state will be good at the next decision epoch. Otherwise, the machine’s state will not be better at next decision epoch. When the machine is bought it may be either in state good or average. Moreover, if the machine is not working it must be replaced.

The problem of when to replace the machine can be modeled using a Markov decision process with \(N=5\) decision epochs. We use system states good, average, not working and dummy state replaced together with actions buy (buy), maintain (mt), no maintenance (nmt), and replace (rep). The set of states at stage zero \(S_{0}\) contains a single dummy state dummy representing the machine before knowing its initial state. The only possible action is buy.

The cost of buying the machine is 100 with transition probability of 0.7 to state good and 0.3 to state average. The reward (scrap value) of replacing a machine is 30, 10, and 5 in state good, average and not working, respectively. The reward of the machine given action mt are 55, 40, and 30 in state good, average and not working, respectively. Moreover, the system enters state 0 with probability 1 at the next stage. Finally, the reward, transition states and probabilities given action \(a=\)nmt are given by:

\(n:s\) \(1:\) good \(1:\) average \(2:\) good \(2:\) average \(3:\) good \(3:\) average
\(r_n(i,a)\) 70 50 70 50 70 50
\(j\) \(\{0,1\}\) \(\{1,2\}\) \(\{0,1\}\) \(\{1,2\}\) \(\{0,1\}\) \(\{1,2\}\)
\(p_{ij}(a,n)\) \(\{0.6,0.4\}\) \(\{0.6,0.4\}\) \(\{0.5,0.5\}\) \(\{0.5,0.5\}\) \(\{0.2,0.8\}\) \(\{0.2,0.8\}\)

Let us try to load the model and get some info:

prefix <- paste0(system.file("models", package = "MDP2"), "/machine1_")
mdp <- loadMDP(prefix)
#> Read binary files (0.000185904 sec.)
#> Build the HMDP (4.2001e-05 sec.)
#> Checking MDP and found no errors (1.6e-06 sec.)
getInfo(mdp, withList = F, dfLevel = "action", asStringsActions = TRUE)  
#> $df
#> # A tibble: 18 × 8
#>      sId stateStr label        aIdx label_action weights trans pr     
#>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>       <dbl> <chr>        <chr>   <chr> <chr>  
#>  1     4 3,0      good            0 mt           55      0     1      
#>  2     4 3,0      good            1 nmt          70      0,1   0.2,0.8
#>  3     5 3,1      average         0 mt           40      0     1      
#>  4     5 3,1      average         1 nmt          50      1,2   0.2,0.8
#>  5     6 3,2      not working     0 mt           30      0     1      
#>  6     6 3,2      not working     1 rep          5       3     1      
#>  7     7 3,3      replaced        0 Dummy        0       3     1      
#>  8     8 2,0      good            0 mt           55      4     1      
#>  9     8 2,0      good            1 nmt          70      4,5   0.5,0.5
#> 10     9 2,1      average         0 mt           40      4     1      
#> 11     9 2,1      average         1 nmt          50      5,6   0.5,0.5
#> 12    10 2,2      not working     0 mt           30      4     1      
#> 13    10 2,2      not working     1 rep          5       7     1      
#> 14    11 1,0      good            0 mt           55      8     1      
#> 15    11 1,0      good            1 nmt          70      8,9   0.6,0.4
#> 16    12 1,1      average         0 mt           40      8     1      
#> 17    12 1,1      average         1 nmt          50      9,10  0.6,0.4
#> 18    13 0,0      Dummy           0 buy          -100    11,12 0.7,0.3

The state-expanded hypergraph representing the semi-MDP with finite time-horizon can be plotted using

plot(mdp, hyperarcColor = "label", radx = 0.06, marX = 0.065, marY = 0.055)

Each node corresponds to a specific state and a directed hyperarc is defined for each possible action. For instance, action mt (maintain) corresponds to a deterministic transition to state good and action nmt (not maintain) corresponds to a transition to a condition/state not better than the current condition/state. We buy the machine in stage 1 and may choose to replace the machine.

Let us use value iteration to find the optimal policy maximizing the expected total reward:

scrapValues <- c(30, 10, 5, 0)   # scrap values (the values of the 4 states at the last stage)
runValueIte(mdp, "Net reward", termValues = scrapValues)
#> Run value iteration with epsilon = 0 at most 1 time(s)
#> using quantity 'Net reward' under reward criterion.
#>  Finished. Cpu time 9.5e-06 sec.

The optimal policy is:

pol <- getPolicy(mdp)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>     sId stateStr stateLabel   aIdx actionLabel weight
#>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>       <int> <chr>        <dbl>
#> 1     8 2,0      good            1 nmt           148.
#> 2     9 2,1      average         0 mt            125 
#> 3    10 2,2      not working     0 mt            115 
#> 4    11 1,0      good            1 nmt           208.
#> 5    12 1,1      average         0 mt            188.
#> 6    13 0,0      Dummy           0 buy           102.
plot(mdp, hyperarcShow = "policy", nodeLabel = "weight", 
     radx = 0.06, marX = 0.065, marY = 0.055)

Note given the optimal policy the total expected reward is 102.2 and the machine will never make a transition to states not working and replaced.

We may evaluate a certain policy, e.g. the policy always to maintain the machine:

policy<-data.frame(sId=c(8,11), aIdx=c(0,0)) # set the policy for sId 8 and 11 to mt
setPolicy(mdp, policy)
#> # A tibble: 14 × 6
#>      sId stateStr stateLabel   aIdx actionLabel weight
#>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>       <int> <chr>        <dbl>
#>  1     0 4,0      good           -1 ""             30 
#>  2     1 4,1      average        -1 ""             10 
#>  3     2 4,2      not working    -1 ""              5 
#>  4     3 4,3      replaced       -1 ""              0 
#>  5     4 3,0      good            0 "mt"           85 
#>  6     5 3,1      average         0 "mt"           70 
#>  7     6 3,2      not working     0 "mt"           60 
#>  8     7 3,3      replaced        0 "Dummy"         0 
#>  9     8 2,0      good            0 "mt"          148.
#> 10     9 2,1      average         0 "mt"          125 
#> 11    10 2,2      not working     0 "mt"          115 
#> 12    11 1,0      good            0 "mt"          208.
#> 13    12 1,1      average         0 "mt"          188.
#> 14    13 0,0      Dummy           0 "buy"         102.

If the policy specified in setPolicy does not contain all states then the actions from the previous optimal policy are used. In the output above we can see that the policy now is to maintain always. However, the reward of the policy has not been updated. Let us calculate the expected reward:

runCalcWeights(mdp, "Net reward", termValues = scrapValues)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>     sId stateStr stateLabel   aIdx actionLabel weight
#>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>       <int> <chr>        <dbl>
#> 1     8 2,0      good            0 mt           140  
#> 2     9 2,1      average         0 mt           125  
#> 3    10 2,2      not working     0 mt           115  
#> 4    11 1,0      good            0 mt           195  
#> 5    12 1,1      average         0 mt           180  
#> 6    13 0,0      Dummy           0 buy           90.5

That is, the expected reward is 90.5 compared to 102.2 which was the reward of the optimal policy.


Kristensen, A. R., and E. Jørgensen. 2000. “Multi-Level Hierarchic Markov Processes as a Framework for Herd Management Support.” Annals of Operations Research 94: 69–89.
Nielsen, L. R., and A. R. Kristensen. 2006. “Finding the \(K\) Best Policies in a Finite-Horizon Markov Decision Process.” European Journal of Operational Research 175 (2): 1164–79.
Puterman, M. L. 1994. Markov Decision Processes. Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Wiley-Interscience.
Tijms, Henk. C. 2003. A First Course in Stochastic Models. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.